- PhotoRefractive IntraStromal Cross-Linking (PiXL).
- 49 clinical questions: When should i perform topography-guided or aberration-guided refractive surgery?
- Rate of Change of Curvature of the Corneal Stromal Surface Drives Epithelial Compensatory Changes and Remodeling.
- Hyperopic correction: clinical validation with epithelium-on and epithelium-off protocols, using variable fluence and topographically customized collagen corneal crosslinking.
- Comparison of prophylactic higher fluence corneal cross-linking to control, in myopic lasiK, one year results.
- Reporting Acuity Outcomes and Refractive Accuracy After LASIK.
- Improvements Needed in Keratoconus Diagnosis Criteria.
- OCT corneal epithelial topographic asymmetry as a sensitive diagnostic tool for early and advancing keratoconus.
- Demanding the Best.
- CXL in 2015: At a Crossroads.