- Use of a novel model fold able artificial cornea for treatment of Blindness due to Severe Ocular Surface Disease.
- Retro-pupillary fixated iris-claw IOL in clinical practice, 10 years experience.
- Clinical evaluation of disposable probe, nanosecond laser-assisted, cataract emulsification, with femtosecond-laser viscopre-chopping.
- Long term follow-up of The Athens Protocol (AP):Combined topography-guided partial PRK and CXL.
- Keratometric Repeatability in Keratoconic,Collagen cross-linked and LASIK-treated Eyes with Novel Multi-Colored Spot Reflection Topography.
- Methodology and pearls implementing Ocular Scatter Quantification in evaluation of Refractive Surgery.
- Correlation of Three-dimensional Epithelial Thickness Distribution with Keratoconus Severity: Comparative Variability Study in Healthy and Keratoconic Eyes.
- Microbial patient, personnel and operatingfacility sampling of an ambulatory ophthalmological unit. A novel protocol.
- Femtosecond-assisted Myopic LASIK: Long-term Comparison of LASIK Combined with Prophylactic High-fluence Cross-Linking to Stand-alone LASIK.
- Novel Myopic Refractive Correction with Trans-Epithelial, Very High-fluence Collagen Crosslinking applied in a Customized Pattern: Early Clinical Results in a Feasibility Study.
- Astigmatic axis repeatability in normal, keratoconic, collagen cross linking and LASIK treated eyes with novel multi-colored spot reflection topography.
- Femtosecond assisted myopic LASIK: one year comparison of LASIK combined with prophylactic high-fluence cross-linking to stand alone LASIK.
- Digitized evaluation of femtosecond laser-assisted myopic LASIK flap parameter accuracy (x and y diameter, OCT determined topographic thickness variation) and OBL occurrence and extent.
- OCT- derived 3 D epithelial thickness distrribution: comparative variability study in healthy and keratoconic eyes.
- Novel KCN Diagnosis and Progression criteria,based on multiple Anterior-segment imaging devices.
- Customized Pattern Myopic, Astigmatic, and Hyperopic Refractive Correction with Transepithelial, Very High-fluence Collagen Crosslinking: Early Clinical Results of a Novel Application.
- Laboratory measurements of UVA irradiation levels emplyed in clinical corneal collagen crosslinking devices.
- Initial laboratory evaluation of a novel technique: flap-less, femtosecond laser assisted- myopic refractive lens extraction, stabilized with high fluence CXL.
- Eucornea paper: Use of a novel model fold able artificial cornea for treatment of blindness due to severe ocular surface disease.
- Epithelial remodeling following femtosecond assisted high myopic LASIK: comparison of stand alone to LASIK combined with prophylactic high fluence cross linking.
- LASIK: Basic steps for safety and great results – G. Pamel, MD
- LASIK: Basic steps for safety and great results – A. J. Kanellopoulos, MD
- LASIK: Basic steps for safety and great results – J. Vryghem, MD
- LASIK: Basic steps for safety and great results – A. Stojanovic, MD, part I
- LASIK: Basic steps for safety and great results – A. Stojanovic, MD, part II
- Collagen Cross- Linking. Indications,applications, results, complications and evolving technology.
- Update on Multi factorial keratoconus and ectasia diagnosis and progression assessment.
- Application of 3D corneal epithelial mapping: Clinical relevance for refractive and cataract surgery patients.
- Application of ocular Scatter measurements clinical relevance for refractive and cataract surgery patients.
- How to start with Wavelight FS200 Femtosecond laser.
- Customization: How to manage Refractive challenges.
- Eyeworld Journal interview: Glaucoma drug delivery options/treatments.
- ISOP ( International Society of Presbyopia Conference) presbyopia 2014: PiXL treatments for presbyLASIK, hyperopia and multifocal corneal presbyopia corrections- preliminary experience.
- The VIth Expert meeting on the Surgical Management of Keratoconus Patients, organized by Dr. Vryghem: What parameters to use to evaluate progression of keratoconus.
- Ophthalmology futures forum Europe 2014.
- Cassini Total Corneal Astigmatism (TCA): How do we use this new functionality?
- Ophtec booth talk: Artisan Aphakia applications incomplicated Anterior Segment cases.
- Satellite invitation from ASCRS for JCRS symp:Cross linking for Forme Fruste Keratoconus: Is it Indicated?
- Alcon talk: The importance of customized vision correction.
- ISRS (International Society of Refractive Surgery) Executive meeting.